Well done, good and faithful servant.
The messiah’s final request was for us to go and make disciples. Join us in obeying this command, loving the “least of these” in Israel.

Loving the lost

Caring for the Poor

Making Disciples
When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
Yeshua came to set the lost free, yet there are currently only 1.9% of the population of Israel follows Him. Living Israel exists to fulfill the great commission and serve those in need. Join us through prayer and financial support to further our Yeshua’s mission
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Romans 1:16
When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
Yeshua came to set the lost free, yet there are currently only 1.9% of the population of Israel follows Him. Living Israel exists to fulfill the great commission and serve those in need. Join us through prayer and financial support to further our Yeshua’s mission
Partnering with these Organizations

How does your product/service solve your customer’s problem?
Briefly describe how your product or service solves your customer’s problem. This is where you can describe what it is.
For example, if you sell an online course, this is where you could describe what the course is about. Are your customers going to learn how to hold their breath for three minutes? Who are the instructors?
This is not a place for you to put pricing or what’s included in their purchase or subscription. That comes later. Think of an iPhone: it’s a phone with a fancy camera. This section is to talk about the fancy camera and features. You’ll get to reveal the price and what’s in the box later. Not here.
3 simple steps to [solve your customer’s problem]
Tell your customers how easy it is to do business with you.

What action do you want your customer to take?
Short description of this step that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

What action do you want your customer to take?
Short description of this step that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

What action do you want your customer to take?
Short description of this step that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.
“Our Promise to You” or “Our Guarantee”
Tell your customers about your promise, guarantee, or differentiators.

Promise 1
Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Promise 1
Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Promise 1
Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Promise 1
Specific example of the problem that includes emotions
How will your customers’ lives change?
Before: What are your customers’ lives like now?
After: What will your customers’ lives be like after they buy your product/service?
How does your product/service solve your customer’s problem?
Briefly describe how your product or service solves your customer’s problem. This is where you can describe what it is.
For example, if you sell an online course, this is where you could describe what the course is about. Are your customers going to learn how to hold their breath for three minutes? Who are the instructors?
This is not a place for you to put pricing or what’s included in their purchase or subscription. That comes later. Think of an iPhone: it’s a phone with a fancy camera. This section is to talk about the fancy camera and features. You’ll get to reveal the price and what’s in the box later. Not here.

Short, simple, punchy description of your solution
Title 1
- List what’s included in this price
- Focus on the differences between this option and the other options
Title 1
- List what’s included in this price
- Focus on the differences between this option and the other options
Title 1
- List what’s included in this price
- Focus on the differences between this option and the other options
Pray With Us
The prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effect. Join us in prayer and watch God move!

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