There are thousands of new Refugees coming to Israel every day! Many of these come from Ukraine and Russia. Many of these refuges are running from war, and come to Israel with nothing but a suitcase. We accept these people into our home, as one of our own family, helping them to get back on they feet. This may be in the form of; legal help, furniture, washers, driers, and other essential household goods. It is the love of Yeshua that brings us together as a community of love.
We regularly give out humanitarian aid to those in severe need, including single mothers and families with multiple children. We are blessed to give out food, clothing, gift cards as well as other items they might need.
We consider this as one of the most important ministries we have the privilege of undertaking. Many of the 250 holocaust survivors that we regularly visit in their homes, are living at a level of poverty. It is our desire to bring them relief, companionship and dignity, honoring their lives that have already been wrought with such suffering. This population is disappearing, and we feel to bring them joy in this last part of their lives. As part of this we have events, concerts, dinners where they are celebrated and loved.
A strategic alliance of Jews and Gentiles coming together in unity and humility through love to strengthen one another as the one new man.
Most of the people that we feed in our soup kitchen are homeless, drug addicts, alcoholics, or prostitutes with no hope to live. Those who make a decision to trust God and try to change their life come to one of our many Restoration homes, located all over Israel (11 just in Israel). Both men and women come and live with us free of charge for 6 to 9 months. It is in this family atmosphere, surrounded by love and support, people not only get restored physically, but mentally and spiritually.
We believe the youth are the most important asset that we have, without them there is no future. We see what is going on in the world today and how the youth are being targeted and attacked. Many of these young ones were born or grew up in Israel, they went to school, they served in the army in Israel, and their native language is Hebrew.
Like David prepared everything for his son Solomon to build the third temple, we also prepare and equip this next generation. We believe they, in part, are the ones through whom revival will come to Israel! We prepare and equip the youth through conferences, camps, training, teaching and other events.
Following graduation from the Bible School of Discipleship, the graduates are sent out to serve and live in one of the many house churches or rehab centers. Some also serve in the soup kitchen, where they learn about community living and service.
After a season of learning to serve they are sent out in teams to open up house churches in new places.
Jesus Said to his disciples in Matthew 10:23 I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before I return. We at Living Israel accept this literally. It is our hearts desire to establish a church in every city of Israel. As of today, we have planted 33 Churches in 22 cities in Israel and 10 in Europe!
Located in one of the worst neighborhoods in all of Israel, we have a soup kitchen in the heart of Tel Aviv. The soup kitchen is open everyday, where we feed more than 2,000 people every month. Those that come through our soup kitchen not only receive a meal, but also free clothing, haircuts support and of course love. We have found through this ministry, many people make a decision to try and change their life as part of one of our restoration homes. It is in the environment of love and care that Yeshua is able to restore and change their lives.
After people are restored and make a decision to follow Yeshua, they go to our bible school of discipleship. In the Bible school they learn to live in community and become disciples of Yeshua. Upon graduating, they are sent out to preach the gospel and open house churches all over Israel and into the nations. To date, we have more than 800 graduates out of which 40 have become pastors and leaders of different ministries.